Fifteen fruits and vegetables that don’t need to be organic.

This weeks Topic of the Week The Environmental Working Group (EWG), just released their Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce. In it they rate the pesticide levels in common fruits and vegetables. (You may recognize them as the group behind Skin Deep: The Cosmetics Database, which I have posted on my website.  In an ideal […]

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Toxic Fragrances

This weeks Topic of the Week Toxic Fragrances In a recent study by researchers from the University of Washington, common household scented products were analyzed for toxic chemicals. They analyzed cleaning supplies like sprays and dish detergent, air fresheners, laundry products like detergents and fabric softeners, and personal products like soaps, shampoos. Half of these […]

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Car accidents can cause heart attacks?

This is this weeks Topic of the Week. Can Car Accidents cause a Heart Attack? A couple of years ago in a seminar entitled: The TMJ-Whiplash Connection, my instructor stated that she sees an increase in heart attacks after auto injuries. The force from the accident will traumatize the ligaments suspending the heart. This weakness puts […]

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Radiation Update: April 10

Radiation Update April 10 It seems that the news coming from the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) and is being filtered. The situation is still very serious, with new radiation leakages coming out this week. Nothing has changed with my recommendations or point of view: We will have continued exposure to radiation from Fukushima for […]

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Radiation Update April 3rd with New Recommendations

To see my new recommendations without the news or rational, scroll down to recommendations. The situation in Japan is still very serious. Earlier this week, reports of a meltdown or partial meltdown were reported. Some believe that a meltdown explains the “crack” in the concrete that is allowing radioactive water to get into the Pacific […]

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Radiation Levels March 27th Update

Radioactive iodine from the Fukushima nuclear plant has been found in California, Nevada, and now Massachusetts. This has been very small amounts of it and while it poses very little threat, I am still recommending people with low thyroid symptoms to be taking iodine. The situation in Japan is still very serious. Earlier this week, reports […]

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Topic of the Week: Radiation Update

Sign up for Dr. Michael’s email updates. On March 11th, an earthquake in Japan caused a Tsunami that killed upwards of 20,000 people. The Tsunami damaged the Fukushima Daiichi Power Plant which houses six nuclear reactors. Power and the ability to cool the reactors failed. Explosions with release of radiation occurred at reactors number 1, […]

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Monitoring Radiation Levels

Reuters is reporting that there is radiation was found in milk and spinach close to the reactor site in Japan. The New York Times has been running updates on what is happening at each of the reactors. A cause for concern is that reactor number 4 hasn’t been updated since Thursday where the spent fuel […]

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As “increased” radiation hits California: Still no cause for panic.

Drudge and other news sites have been reporting that radiation is expected to hit California on Friday. According to the South Coast Air Quality Management District, Los Angeles’ background radiation levels are about 10-12 microrem/hour. This is equal to 105 millirem/year. Even if headlines blare that  Radiation in Southern California has “DOUBLED” or “TRIPLED” or […]

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As Japan’s Nuclear Crisis Worsens, Still No Danger to U.S.

Wednesday March 16th, 7:15 am. Workers are back at reactor number 4 today after needing to abandon it because of heightened radiation levels. The U.S. Navy is reporting increased radiation levels 200 miles from the reactors. The background radiation has increased to rx Atsugi” href=”″ target=”_blank”>20 millirems over 12 hours. This is equal to .02 […]

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Japan Nuclear Crisis Continued (check for updates)

Written Monday, March 14th at 10:05pm. Even though the crisis continues in Japan with more explosions, and more reports of radiation leakage, we are not seeing the type of problems that were found at Chernobyl. The situation can change at any moment, and my thoughts go out to those working on averting another catastrophe. The […]

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Iodine and Radiation

With the radiation leakage from the tragic events in Japan, I’ve been asked if there are anything to worry about. While I believe that 40-50% of my patients could benefit from iodine. I don’t believe that there will be any radiation exposure to us to worry about.%20Iran%20or%20North%20Korea%21%29″ target=”_blank”> Here is a great article that talks about the […]

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Headache Pills Can Cause Headaches

This weeks Topic of the Week was originally published on page 16 of the February 2011 edition of The Chiropractic Journal. New information from a Consumer Reports (CR) health research report: their headaches may be caused by the drugs they’re taking to treat them! “It’s not uncommon for people to experience medication-overuse headaches, there ” […]

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Colon Cleansing: The first step

Updated 8/2/2019 This week’s Topic of the Week. While fiber and intestinal clay products can be beneficial, and help with elimination, they don’t address the underlying problem of colon toxicity. Colonics are good for acute problems, but again, if the underlying problem is not addressed then constipation can occur and there will be a returning […]

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New Products

Here are some new products that I’ve started to carry: Wild Greens Supreme is a green food supplement that is very different than other green food products. It is made without any cereal grasses that many are allergic to (especially from gluten allergies), and algae that can contain excitotoxins and heavy metals. It has a high […]

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Snow Shoveling: Protecting Yourself

This week’s topic of the week. I just realized I never posted it. The weight of the snow on the shovel blade can cause significant stress on the neck and back.  It is common for people to “push through” any pain to get the task done.  Also, snow shoveling is vigorous exercise and can cause […]

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FDA in the process of banning injectable Vitamin C

Take action here. It seem that the newly empowered FDA is banning the production of pure injectable Vitamin C.  Written in the new “food safety” law is clause for the FDA to regulate safe doses for vitamins and minerals. This is the first attack on natural health care, and I expect more to come.  

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