I was just alerted that the congressional version the banking financial reform bill has an amendment to increase regulation of nutritional supplements. Long time natural health foe, Henry Waxman (California), inserted language into the legislation before congress passed it. (A quick search at opensecrets.org shows that Waxman’s main donors over the years has been allopathic […]
Posts in the Politics category:
Raw Milk in PA
Raw milk is legal and available in stores in Pennsylvania. If you are traveling through PA, you may want to stop and get some. Dairy’s that sell in Western PA include: Dean Farm/Pasture Maid Creamery Pot O Gold Dairy They both sell at the dairy and list retail outlets. More sources can be found here. […]
Better Than Organic Milk?
This weeks Topic of the Week We’ve stopped buying organic milk. The reason is that the organic milk that is locally available are all homogenized and ultra-pasteurized. Pasteurization is the process of heating milk to kill off bacteria found in raw milk. This kills off all lactase producing beneficial bacteria as well as any possible […]
Gardasil Maker Hires Ex-CDC Head To Run Vaccination Program
The revolving door of politics and business: Merck Hires Dr. Julie Gerberding to be president of their vaccine division. During her tenure as the head of the CDC, Gerberding was criticised by autism activists as a corporate shrill that pushed vaccines and ignored links between them and autism. Here is a good overview. This is […]
Largest Nurses Union Criticizes Senate Health Care Bill
From the article: As the NNU has said in its statement on the bill, the loopholes include: Provisions permitting insurers and companies to more than double charges to employees who fail “wellness” programs because they have diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol readings, or other medical conditions. Permitting insurers to sell policies “across state lines”, […]
Health care reform is dead
I’ve been skeptical about the Health Reform bill(s) since reading It’s Robbery” href=”http://www.truthdig.com/report/item/20090823_this_isnt_reform_its_robbery/” target=”_blank”> this article several months ago. There are also arguments to be made that this isn’t really about health, but about illness care. I get that. I also understand arguments for less government and more personal responsibility. However, I know people that have […]
Kucinich votes against H.R. 3962
Evidently Dennis Kucinich voted against the Health Care Reform Bill H.R. 3962. Here are his reasons: November 7, 2009 Congressman Dennis Kucinich after voting against H.R. 3962 addresses why he voted NO, stating: “We have been led to believe that we must make our health care choices only within the current structure of a predatory, […]
Study Prompts Canada to Delay Flu Shots
“TORONTO — An unpublished Canadian study that suggests getting an annual flu shot may make it easier to contract swine flu has caused most provincial governments in Canada to postpone or limit seasonal-flu vaccination programs.” More from the article: “It found that people who got flu shots last year were about twice as likely to […]
Landmark Decision Promises Massive Relief For Homeowners And Trouble For Banks
This is the name of an article by Ellen Brown. She wrote The Web Of Debt and is one of my favorite writers and thinkers on our banking crisis and monetary policy. If you know anyone who is in foreclosure, make sure they read this article. Currently the Banks don’t own our mortgages, they were […]
“Doing Democracy” radio show featuring financial reform
Victoria has been doing some great shows on WRUW on understanding the financial system as well as proposals for financial reform. She has been reading from Ellen Brown’s book Web of Debt as well as featuring a series by Richard Cook called “Credit As A Public Utility: The Solution to the Economic Crisis”. You can […]
Obama and Torture
I’ve been finally reading Shock Doctrine, by Naomi Klein. She starts out by quoting Milton Friedman who states that a only a crisis (real or perceived), can create a situation where change can occur. He argues that having free market solutions, ready to be implemented so that when a crisis occurs, they can be pushed […]
Threats to small farms and farmers markets part II
Evidently H.R. 875 is dead. However there are other bills coming up that may be even worse. In my earlier article I alluded to the NAIS bills that seem to be going forward. HR 1332 would put a lot of small farms out of business because of table to restaurant record keeping of produce and […]
A threat to our farmers markets
A threat to our farmers markets There is a new piece of legislation (HR 875) that would have small family farms register with a new federal agency if it wants to sell produce or meat directly to consumers. They will have to pay a fee and will be subject to additional inspections. This bill also […]
Putting People To Work
There was an interesting article on Slate the other day about two depression era programs whose goal was to rebuild infrastructure and put people to work. The Public Works Administration (PWA) paid private companies to do projects, while the Civil Works Administration (CWA) hired people directly and put them to work. The CWA was a […]
Sweet Misery. Documentary on Aspartame and Nutrasweet.
In the mid 1960’s, a scientist working for the GD Searle company on an ulcer medication, tasted the powder that he was working on. He found it sweet, and this is the story of it becoming the major artificial sweetener sold today. Nutrasweet is the trade name for the chemical aspartame. Here it is: Part 2 […]