Sea Salts on Sale

All unrefined sea salt from Selina Naturally. I carry Light Gray Celtic Sea Salt and Flower of the Ocean finishing salt. I have Hawaiian Sea Salt on order which has even more mineral content. The Celtic Sea Salt has 4x the mineral content to other leading salts. Refined salt (be it regular table salt or […]

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Product of the Month: Morinda Supreme 20% off

While I use this for candida, it has many other great properties. Morinda Supreme by Supreme Nutrition is powdered Noni berry. While there are many products that sell the Noni Juice, the dried berry seems to work best. In addition to being anti-inflammatory, the Noni berry has tremendous anti-fungal, anti-yeast, and anti-bacterial properties. It will also work […]

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Thermography Schedule

Jeanne Wilson and Joanne Vaccarino will be here on the third Monday of every month to provide thermography readings. This non-invasive test is great for the early detection of breast, skin, and other cancers. Just call Kathi at 440-943-6411 to set up an appointment. This is the same procedure that costs much more elsewhere in town. […]

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Rosemary Supreme 20% Off for the month of May

Rosemary Supreme was developed by Drs. Michael Lebowitz and Walter Schmitt. Michael Lebowitz states that it took a while for Supreme Nutrition Products to find a source of rosemary that tested (via AK) and performed well in trials. Rosemary Supreme is a potent antioxidant. Rosemary has several anti-oxidant compounds in it. Anti-oxidants protect against free […]

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All Essential Fatty Acids: 20% Off

Fish Oil, DHA, Flax seed oil, Borage oil, Krill, Black Current, Evening Primrose, Cod liver, 3-6-9 combinations from Thorne and NOW are all 20% off for the month of April. According to University of Maryland Medical Center, omega-3 fatty acids may also be used for high cholesterol, high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, […]

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Product of the Month: All Probiotics 20% off

There are millions of organisms that live on our skin, in our mouths, small intestines, and large intestines. These bacteria help each of these organs function better by protecting against infection, creating vitamins, and digesting food. The use and overuse of antibiotics in oral, venous, and topical forms (including soaps) kill off these beneficial organisms and […]

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SOPA and PIPA Blackout

I decided to take part in the SOPA and PIPA blackout today. I am against these bills because it will limit access to information on the internet. Unfortunately, our Democratic Senator Sherrod Brown is a co-sponser of the bill. Please learn more about the dangers of this bill and contact Sherrod Brown at 202-224-2315, and Senator Rob […]

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I just made my 150th (and 151st) Kiva loan.

Kiva is microlending organization that connects lenders with borrowers all across the globe. Loans can be as small as $25. I’ve been doing this since 2007. Here is my lenders page.  To find out more about Kiva or to make a loan go to And yes it is a loan, you do get paid […]

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Product of the Month: Paraben Free Moisturizing Lotion

This month, I am offering Aubrey’s Uncented Ultimate Moisturizing Lotion that is paraben free for 15% off. Paraben compounds are estrogen mimickers and are linked to an increase in breast and prostate cancer. Many people with chronic low back pain and weakness are actually suffering from paraben toxicity. Getting off of paraben products is essential […]

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Will Work For Food: November 28th — December 3rd!

New Patients: Monday, November 28th through Friday, December 2nd All new patiens will receive a new patient exam and x-rays for One Bag Of Groceries!  That’s history, consultation, and physical exam (50-60 different orthopedic, chiropractic, and neurological tests). Normally this initial visit costs $245 (Alternatively, you can donate $100 or more that will go to […]

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Product of the Month: Vitamin D 20% off

It’s October and I’m recommending people to start back on Vitamin D.  I am recommending that everyone living this far north start on either 2,000 iu or 5,000 iu a day of Vitamin D to prevent illness. Vitamin D is more effective at preventing the flu than flu shots and it has lots more benefits […]

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Free massages and health checks

As we move into spring, we will be increasing our marketing. I am looking for places of business/gyms/golf clubs where I will do free leg and posture checks while Jordan does free massages for 5 minutes. I am also available for lectures on topics such as sleep, lifting/ergonomics, disc injuries, upper cervical care, and nutrition. If you […]

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Introducing Jeanne Wilson CCT

Jeanne Wilson is a Certified Clinical Thermographer who will be joining us on a monthly basis to provide Thermography sessions. Thermography can be used in the early detection of breast, skin, and other cancers, thyroid problems, carotid artery blockages, as well as other processes: In 1995 I was 31 yrs old, and had 4 children, […]

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