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Posts in the Cleveland category:
Medical Treatment for Back Pain Is Wasting Billions of Dollars
I putting this as this weeks topic of the week. Sunday Homitz LPT of Body Technic Systems brought this to my attention. It was published this week in the Plain Dealer: Originally published as “Study: Back pain treatment does harm” By Diane Suchetka Doctors have been costing the health-care system tens of billions of dollars a […]
Hunger In Northeast Ohio
This week’s Topic: In 2008, the Cleveland Foodbank distributed over 21.6 million pounds of food to 451 hunger programs in six Northeast Ohio counties. The Cleveland Foodbank provides a majority of the food that is distributed at Northeast Ohio hunger centers, including shelf-stable food, perishable food, produce and prepared meals. Breakdown of Foodbank (and associate program) clients […]
Kucinich votes against H.R. 3962
Evidently Dennis Kucinich voted against the Health Care Reform Bill H.R. 3962. Here are his reasons: November 7, 2009 Congressman Dennis Kucinich after voting against H.R. 3962 addresses why he voted NO, stating: “We have been led to believe that we must make our health care choices only within the current structure of a predatory, […]
Vitamin D and Immunity
12/8/2022: As time goes on, we are getting more validation on the importance of Vitamin D in relation to Covid. A recent study showed that veterans taking Vitamin D supplements are less likely to get Covid, less likely to spread Covid, Less likely to have severe symptoms, and also less likely to die from it. […]