Toxins in Tampons

Dr. Michael Polsinelli, January 24, 2025 Recently, a patient asked me if she could have me muscle test the tampons she used. She suspected that they were causing her vaginal irritation, which was worse right after her period. I admitted to her that I had never considered tampons themselves as a possible irritant. Toxic shock […]

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Top Anti-Yeast, Anti-Candida Supplements 20% off for February

I’ve used Undecylenic Acid (formerly Formula SF722) with patients for decades. It and Morinda are some of the best anti-Candida/Yeast products I’ve found. Antibiotics, steroids, intestinal flu, airborne mold, and poor foods will disrupt the beneficial bacteria balance in our gut. This gives Candida, other yeasts, and bad bacteria a chance to colonize and reproduce. […]

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Are Your Glasses Working For or Against You? 

This is this week’s Topic of the week. You can sign up for Dr. Michael’s email updates here. As many of you know, I was struggling with my new eyeglass prescription in August. I felt like I was not thinking clearly while I wore them, and my eyes while seeing clearer, were not working in […]

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Andrographis 30% off for July

Andrographis paniculate is used for its antimicrobial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, antihistamine (helps with allergies), hepatoprotective, and antioxidant properties. It is also used for UTIs, dysentery, energy, and libido. For July, Supreme Nutrition’s Andrographis is 30% off. For their full write-up, click here.

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Mucuna Supreme 30% off for June

For the month of June, Mucuna Supreme will be 30% off. From the manufacturer: Primary Usage: Mucuna Supreme is made from the seeds of the velvet bean, Mucuna pruriens. Mucuna’s use as a medicinal plant dates back thousands of years. It has been used to treat a wide variety of conditions, including high blood pressure, […]

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Chromium and Vanadium 20% Off. Stop The Sweet Tooth!

I find that most of us will indulge in extra pastries and sweets over the holidays. Most of the time we are able to stop come January. Sometimes, we are still craving sweets. If you continue to crave sweets during the post-holiday season, it could mean that you are dealing with either a chromium or […]

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Uva Ursi 25% off for September

Uva Ursi is used to treat kidney stones, diabetes, edema, and urinary tract infections and as a diuretic. I use it regularly when I see chronic back pain and instability. In addition to its significant anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties, it is high in antioxidants, is anti-inflammatory, and can decrease calcium oxalate kidney stones by 95%. […]

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5-MTHF 20% Off for August

This is the bi-annual sale for 5-MTHF. It is the only supplement that I recommend patients stay on forever. 20-30% of the population has a genetic problem whereby they can’t efficiently convert Folic Acid to its final usable form. Folic acid is an anti-inflammatory nutrient that affects several inflammatory pathways. It is needed to help […]

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Endo Supreme 50% Off for March!

Endo Supreme is an amazing anti-inflammatory. It works great with arthritis and as a muscle relaxant. It is an immune stimulant as well as helps with adrenals and fatigue. Endo Supreme is the herb Pfaffia paniculata, also known as Suma. It helps with both hypo and hyperadrenia as well as other endocrine imbalances affecting the […]

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5-MTHF 20% off for February

I put this on sale twice a year. It is the only supplement that I will recommend long-term. With 15-20% of the population having a genetic issue preventing the complete conversion of folic acid to its final usable form, it is one of the most popular supplements I sell. Folic acid is a powerful anti-inflammatory. […]

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The Impact Of Ending Abortion as a Federal Right On Women’s Health In Ohio On June 24 of this year, the Supreme Court overturned Roe Vs. Wade ending abortion as a federal right in the United States. Immediately, a law banning abortion after six weeks went into effect in Ohio. However, one out of every […]

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Vitamin D 20% Off for October

Vitamin D is 20% off for October. It’s time for all of us to get back on it. Vitamin D is an essential nutrient to bolster the immune system. People on Vitamin D are less likely to get colds and flu. Additionally, research shows that it helps prevent severe Covid. For adults, I recommend 5,000 IU […]

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Woad Supreme 20% Off for May

Woad is one of my favorite anti-virals. It’s great for colds and flu. It’s one of the supplements that I consider for Covid. Woad (Isatis tinctoria) has been used in Chinese Medicine for 2,000 years. In addition to being a great anti-viral, it is also anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, and anti-parasitic. It’s a great immune booster. For […]

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Glypho-X Supreme (Liver Support) 30% off for April

While Glypho-X Supreme is specifically designed for Glyphosate, pesticide, and pesticide detoxification, it is also an excellent general detoxification supplement. It is liver nourishing, anti-inflammatory, and has antimicrobial properties. It is a proprietary blend of burdock, basil, and dandelion. The World Health Organization has stated that glyphosate (RoundUp) is “probably carcinogenic in humans”. Glyphosate is […]

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5-MTHF 20% Off for February

It’s that time of year again. I put this on sale twice a year. It is the only supplement that I will recommend long-term. With 15-20% of the population having a genetic issue that prevents the full conversion of folic acid to its final usable form, it is one of the most popular supplements that I sell. […]

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Iodine 20% off for January

Iodine is an essential nutrient for the thyroid. It is a precursor to our thyroid hormones and helps with our metabolism. Having a low body temperature, cold hands, and feet, sluggish metabolism, depression, crying for no reason, elevated blood fats, and hair loss are all indications of a need for iodine. Iodine is needed for […]

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The Fifth Wave: Merry Christmas, Omicron is Dominant, Most Cases That We’ve Seen So Far. Dr. Michael’s Covid Update for 12/17/2021

We’ve had more new Covid cases this past week in Cuyahoga County than at any time during the pandemic. Previously, the most new cases that we’ve seen in a week was last December when we had around 7,500 new cases. This past week, we had 10,629 new cases. This is an 81.8% increase from the […]

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Shatavari Supreme 40% off for the month of December

Shatavari is an Ayurvedic herb that has been used traditionally for hormonal regulation in women. It helps with dysmenorrhea as well as post-menopausal symptoms including preventing bone loss. It has anti-bacterial and anti-protozoal properties and helps with ulcers. It promotes milk production in nursing mothers and helps increase libido in both men and women.  For […]

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The Fifth Wave: Concerns and Precautions Heading into the Holiday Season. Dr. Michael’s Covid Update For November 20, 2021

Covid Mini Update for 12-10-21: 24% Higher than last week. We had a big jump after the Thanksgiving Holiday. Cases rose 24% from the week before. From December 2 through 8, Cuyahoga had 5847 new cases. One year ago, we were peaking with new cases. December 2-8, 2021 saw 7154 cases. Unlike a year ago, […]

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Uva Ursi Supreme 30% off for November

Uva Ursi treats kidney stones, diabetes, edema, and urinary tract infections and as a diuretic. I use it regularly when I see chronic back pain and instability. In addition to its significant anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties, it is high in antioxidants, is anti-inflammatory, and can decrease calcium oxalate kidney stones by 95%. For November, Uva […]

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