I was checking news from the Radiation Network today and they were saying that there was a spike in radiation readings from their Hawaii station on June 11 and June 23rd. They believe that it is from Fukushima. The June 11th spike probably relates to the release on June 3rd.
You can read it on their message page. Scroll down to read the info.
The “Perfect Storm”” href=”http://radiationnetwork.com/Message.htm” target=”_blank”>Radiation Network Message Page
On a separate crisis in Fort Calhoon, flood waters from the Mississippi are threatening a nuclear plant there. The good news is that this plant has been shut down since April with the core cooling since then. Ernie Gunderson from Fairewinds and Associates is more worried about the Cooper nuclear power plant 90 miles away, and is calling for it to be shut down temporarily, just in case a dam breaks further upstream.