Last Friday saw the worst radiation exposure since disaster began

Reuters is reporting that the worst radiation leak that they were able to record, happened last week. 1,000,000 Microsieverts Per Hour — Found Venting From Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant”>Radioactive steam was released with an exposure of 4 sieverts (400 rem) per hour. I will continue to recommend everyone be on iodine until at least September.





Fairewinds and associates continues to raise questions regarding the U.S.’s preparedness to a nuclear disaster. Here is an update on the current status of Fukushima.


White House & NRC Recommend 50 Mile Fukushima Evacuation, Yet Insist US Safe With Only 10 from Fairewinds Associates on Vimeo.

Finally, here is a video of mutant bunny born outside the evacuation zone in Japan. It does not have ears or ear canals:




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About Dr. Michael Polsinelli, DC

I really enjoy my work. It is a combination of listening, analyzing, and the skill of performing my craft. I love the expression on my patients faces when I puzzle out a long standing problem of theirs, or when their pain leaves after gently adjusting them. Read more about me

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