Reuters is reporting that the worst radiation leak that they were able to record, happened last week. 1,000,000 Microsieverts Per Hour — Found Venting From Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant”>Radioactive steam was released with an exposure of 4 sieverts (400 rem) per hour. I will continue to recommend everyone be on iodine until at least September.
Fairewinds and associates continues to raise questions regarding the U.S.’s preparedness to a nuclear disaster. Here is an update on the current status of Fukushima.
White House & NRC Recommend 50 Mile Fukushima Evacuation, Yet Insist US Safe With Only 10 from Fairewinds Associates on Vimeo.
Finally, here is a video of mutant bunny born outside the evacuation zone in Japan. It does not have ears or ear canals: