My good friend, Dr. Jack Stockwell put a great video on NUCCA and Upper Cervical Care up on Youtube. He said that I can share this with you. If you or family of yours are in the Salt Lake City, Utah area I would not hesitate to recommend him or his associate Dr. Craig Dawson. You […]
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Safety of Pacific Fish
Fukushima 4 Years Later A Look Back Four years ago, the world saw the worst nuclear disaster in Fukushima since the Chernobyl disaster in 1988. Following an earthquake, a tsunami hit the plant causing a meltdown of three of the plants reactors. Radioactive material was released into both the air and into the Pacific ocean. […]
What we can Learn about Running from Barefoot Running
Here is a great video of a presentation by Daniel Lieberman, PhD. He is a professor of Evolutionary biology. It is called What we can Learn about Running from Barefoot Running: The upshot is form. Don’t transition too quickly to barefoot running/walking. Spend time adapting to a mid/fore foot strike. The Cleveland Running Company will sometimes have workshops […]
Upper Cervical Chiropractic For Babies on the Ricky Lake Show
Birth can be very traumatic. Forceps, c-sections, and just being pulled and twisted can cause babies to go out of alignment. If you know of a baby that is irritable, colicky, or not thriving, they could benefit from Upper Cervical Chiropractic. Here is a video from the Ricky Lake Show: Upper Cervical Chiropractic For Babies
Last Friday saw the worst radiation exposure since disaster began
Reuters is reporting that the worst radiation leak that they were able to record, happened last week. 1,000,000 Microsieverts Per Hour — Found Venting From Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant”>Radioactive steam was released with an exposure of 4 sieverts (400 rem) per hour. I will continue to recommend everyone be on iodine until at least September. […]
Radiation Update: April 10
Radiation Update April 10 It seems that the news coming from the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) and is being filtered. The situation is still very serious, with new radiation leakages coming out this week. Nothing has changed with my recommendations or point of view: We will have continued exposure to radiation from Fukushima for […]
Monitoring Radiation Levels
Reuters is reporting that there is radiation was found in milk and spinach close to the reactor site in Japan. The New York Times has been running updates on what is happening at each of the reactors. A cause for concern is that reactor number 4 hasn’t been updated since Thursday where the spent fuel […]
Farmageddon, the Movie
With the passage of the Food Safety Bill, small farms will have a harder time. The FDA has worked hard to limit the sale of raw milk (which is legal in some states) and your right to choose to buy directly from farms and farmers. Farmageddon is about about this fight. Read more the Movie” […]
Sex Hormones in Skin Care Products
For years I have been warning about sex hormones that are found in plastics and how they can cause pain especially low back pain. They also increase the chance of breast and skin cancers as well as low sperm count in men and other hormonal problems. This weekend, I learned that many skin care products […]
“Doing Democracy” radio show featuring financial reform
Victoria has been doing some great shows on WRUW on understanding the financial system as well as proposals for financial reform. She has been reading from Ellen Brown’s book Web of Debt as well as featuring a series by Richard Cook called “Credit As A Public Utility: The Solution to the Economic Crisis”. You can […]
Vaccine used in children causing brain damage?
I’m going to print the entire article with original link: BOCA RATON, FL — Boca Raton father, Ben Zeller, says his son, Ben, Jr., was a normal 11-month-old when he received the Measles, Mump and Rubella shot in November of 2004. Within days, he had a complete febral seizure. “This was a reaction to the […]
Feeding the World II (Biochar)
It’s spring time and Jordan and I have been working on our garden. We’ve been collecting manure (alpaca–free on craigslist) and shredding leaves in order to get the beds ready. Jordan actually planted some lettuce and peas today (we’ll see if they come up). If you want to get a garden in this year, check […]