Dysbiosis and Your Health (Candida, Yeast, and Bacteria)


Dysbiosis is a term that refers to organisms living in the body and the intestines that don’t belong there.  These organisms include bacteria, ambulance pharmacy yeast, tadalafil molds, and parasites.  Candida Albicans is a well-known yeast.  Many of these organisms are found in a healthy intestinal tract, but they are usually kept in check by other beneficial organisms.


Fatigue or lethargy
Poor memory
Feeling “spacey”
Numbness, burning, tingling
Vaginal discharge, itching, burning
Irritability, anxiety, moodiness
Food sensitivities
Constipation, bloating, gas
Muscle aches, weakness
Headaches, sinusitis
Abdominal pain
Chronic rashes, itching
Rectal itching
Chemical Sensitivities


Dysbiosis usually comes about from the use of antibiotics, steroids, and hormonal replacement therapy.  These drugs have a tendency to kill off the beneficial organisms in our colon, leaving wall space for harmful organisms to take over.

These organisms irritate our intestines and can lead to “leaky gut syndrome” where toxins are not contained in the colon and travel to the rest of the body.  These organisms also play a significant role in our body’s abilities to digest and utilize nutrients.  Many people will show protein deficiencies, and vitamin and mineral imbalances.  Others will have food sensitivities.

Many people with dysbiosis react to new carpeting, perfumes, paint, and other chemicals.  Not only do we expose ourselves to harmful substances and chemicals in our environment, but the organisms in our gut also can produce harmful chemicals such as alcohol and aldehydes.  This leads to chemical sensitivities and increases the amount of free radicals in our body.  Free radicals are atoms or molecules with at least one unpaired electron.  These electrons will pair with electrons in molecules of our body tissue, sometimes ripping the tissue and causing cell damage.


One way to address dysbiosis is through natural food supplements, herbs, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and fatty acids.  Some of these supplements increase immune function in order to aid the body in ridding itself of yeast overgrowth, bad bacteria, and parasites.  Others help rebuild and repair the body from the harm the dysbiosis caused.  It is also important to identify and abstain from harmful foods while the dysbiosis clears.


The intestines assimilate and detoxify.  The small intestines are where we absorb most of our nutrients.  Vitamins, minerals, and proteins go into the bloodstream from there. Beneficial bacteria in the colon are responsible for the production of B-Vitamins and the liberation of fatty acids from grains by breaking down fiber.  The large intestines take food waste and toxins from the liver and excrete them.  If they are unable to do this, it places an extra load on the kidneys, lungs, and skin (many rashes will disappear once dysbiosis is cleared).  The ability to eliminate toxic substances is vital for optimal health in the world we currently live in.

Once dysbiosis is gone, many people feel much better.  Others may require further assistance with detoxification from chemicals, metals, or other toxins.

The information in this article is based on the work of Michael Lebowitz D.C. and was written with help from Joanne DeMichele and Jordan Brown.

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