Chiropractic Services | Fee | Medicare* |
Exam | $155 | $155 |
Initial X-Rays | $230 | $230 |
1st Adjustment | $365 | $327** |
Office Visit (Follow-Up Visits) | $93 | $55** |
Reactivation (1-5 Years since the last visit.) | $220 | $182** |
U.C. Transfer Patients w/X-rays (Initial Exam and Adjustment) | $345 | $307** |
Nutritional Services | Fee | |
Initial Nutrition Visit | $270 | |
3 Week Follow-Up Nutrition Visit | $160 | |
Additional Nutritional Follow-Up Visits | $93 | |
Combination Nutrition Chiro Follow-Up | $135 | $97** |
*Medicare Patients: Once deductibles have been met. You may be billed for the portion not paid by insurance.
**Medicare/Supplemental will be billed $38 for this visit
We will bill your insurance for you. If you have out-of-network chiropractic coverage there will be some reimbursement available. There may be some small coverage if you have original Medicare or a third-party Advantage Medicare plan. Set up a consultation and we will call to find out your benefits.
Please ask us about care plans that can save you money and/or assist with budgeting for the care you need to reach your health goals.
If it has been over a year since Dr. Michael has seen a patient, a re-activation appointment is necessary.
If it has been more than 5 years since you have seen Dr. Michael as a patient, you may need to be treated as a new patient.