Here are some links to some websites that we love:
Upper Cervical Links
- Up C Spine
- Upper Cervical Advocates
- Orthospinology
- Atlas Orthogonality
- What Time Tuesday
Other Procedures
- Positional Release Training: Society of Ortho-Bionomy International®
- Dr. Michael Lebowitz
- International College of Applied Kinesiology – USA
- Vertebral Distraction Pump
Nutritional Links
Rational Anti-Smoking Policy (Tobacco Harm Reduction)
- The Rest of the Story: Tobacco News Analysis and Commentary (Dr. Michael Siegel, MD – Boston U.)
- The counterfactual (Clive Bates)
- Tobacco Truth (Dr. Brad Rodu, MD – University of Louisville)
- Anti-THR Lies and related topics (Carl V. Phillips, PhD)
Other Health Sites
- Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund
- Dr. David Brownstein
- Natural News
- Skin Deep: The Cosmetics Database