Many of us in Northern Ohio are low in iodine. Iodine is essential for our metabolism and helps us lose weight. It also helps with cold hands and feet, a body temperature below 98.6 F, and hair loss. It also helps with those of us dreading winter. People with iodine deficiency may find themselves being […]
Search Results for: iodine
All Iodine products and Alaria Supreme 20% off for November
Many of us in Northern Ohio are low in iodine. Iodine is essential for our metabolism and helps us lose weight. It also helps with cold hands and feet, a body temperature below 98.6 F, and hair loss. It also helps with those of us dreading winter. People with iodine deficiency may find themselves being […]
Iodine 20% off for December
Iodine is an essential nutrient for the thyroid. It is a precursor to our thyroid hormones and helps with our metabolism. Having a low body temperature, cold hands and feet, sluggish metabolism, depression, crying for no reason, elevated blood fats, and hair loss are all indications of a need for iodine. Iodine is needed for […]
Iodine 20% off for January
Iodine is an essential nutrient for the thyroid. It is a precursor to our thyroid hormones and helps with our metabolism. Having a low body temperature, cold hands, and feet, sluggish metabolism, depression, crying for no reason, elevated blood fats, and hair loss are all indications of a need for iodine. Iodine is needed for […]
Iodine and Seaweed products 20% off for November
Many of us in Northern Ohio are low in iodine. Iodine is essential for our metabolism to work correctly and helps us lose weight. It also helps with cold hands and feet, a body temperature below 98.6 F, and hair loss. It also helps with those of us dreading winter. People with iodine deficiency may […]
Iodine 20% Off for December! Product of the Month
Most of us are low in iodine in Northeast Ohio. For December, all iodine and seaweed supplements are 20% off. Iodine helps support our metabolism (and weight loss), it helps with cold hands and feet, low body temperature (under 98.6), hair loss (especially women, didn’t work too well for me). Other symptoms of an iodine deficiency […]
Iodine 20% Off For January
Happy New Year! For January, all Iodine and a seaweed product from Supreme are 20% off. Iodine is an essential nutrient that regulates our metabolism. It is common for people around here to be low in Iodine. Symptoms include cold hands and feet, low body temperature, difficulty losing weight, tenderness in the chest area, loss […]
Product of the month: Iodine 20% off!
Most of us are low in iodine in Northeast Ohio. For December, all iodine and seaweed supplements are 20% off. Iodine helps support our metabolism (and weight loss), it helps with cold hands and feet, low body temperature (under 98.6), hair loss (especially women, didn’t work too well for me). Other symptoms of an iodine deficiency […]
Product of the month: Iodine
All Iodine products 20% off! Symptoms of Iodine deficiency: Cold hands and feet, body temperature less than 98.6, tenderness on the ribs right next to the sternum, loss of hair, cry’s easily, and dreading winter. I have found as much as 60% of my patients are low in iodine. David Brownstein, MD, states in his […]
Product of the month: Iodine
All Iodine products 20% off! Symptoms of Iodine deficiency: Cold hands and feet, body temperature less than 98.6, tenderness on the ribs right next to the sternum, loss of hair, cry’s easily, and dreading winter. I have found as much as 60% of my patients are low in iodine. David Brownstein, MD, states in his book that […]
Breast Cancer: Iodine Therapy May Put Cancer Into Remission
In the article, they refer to Lugol’s solution, but I’m pretty sure that they used Iodoral, a tablet form of Lugol’s: In his book, Iodine: Why you need it, why you can’t live without it, David Brownstein M.D. reports three cases of spontaneous regression of breast cancer after iodine supplementation. The first patient, Joan […]
Product of the month: Iodine
All Iodine products 20% off! Symptoms of Iodine deficiency: Cold hands and feet, body temperature less than 98.6, tenderness on the ribs right next to the sternum, loss of hair, cry’s easily, and dreading winter. I have found as much as 60% of my patients are low in iodine. David Brownstein, MD, states in his […]
Iodine and Radiation
With the radiation leakage from the tragic events in Japan, I’ve been asked if there are anything to worry about. While I believe that 40-50% of my patients could benefit from iodine. I don’t believe that there will be any radiation exposure to us to worry about.%20Iran%20or%20North%20Korea%21%29″ target=”_blank”> Here is a great article that talks about the […]
Product of the Month: Iosol Iodine 20% off
If you have a low body temperature, chances are that your body needs iodine. Iosol is one of the finest iodine supplements available. Symptoms of iodine deficiency include cold hands and feet, low metabolism, fatigue, menstrual cramps, and dry skin. Remember, salt helps the absorption of iodine.
Thera Supreme 25% Off for December
TheraSupreme is a great whole-food supplement rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. It is anti-inflammatory and is especially useful for people who react to nightshades. From their website:The goal of TheraSupreme was to create a product that is a superb anti-oxidant, high in vitamins and minerals, an immune booster, and a 100% natural food product […]
Covid or Coldvid? What does Endemic mean aka When will the Pandemic be over? Another look at supplements for Covid.
Dr. Michael’s Covid Update for 12-31-2021. Happy end of 2021. After skyrocketing the week before Christmas, new Covid cases are down this week in Cuyahoga County. We are at “only” twice the new cases that we saw last winter during the peak. I expect a bounce up either next week or the week after, but […]
Alaria Supreme 40% Off For September
For the month of September, Alaria Supreme will be 40% off. Adapted from the manufacturer: Alaria Supreme™ is a certified organic, wildcrafted seaweed that tests free of both mercury and cadmium. Alaria has a significant amount of trace minerals. Two capsules will give you your RDA of organic iodine as well as smaller but significant […]
Thera Supreme 30% off for May
TheraSupreme is a great whole food supplement that is rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. It is anti-inflammatory and is especially useful for people that react to nightshades. From their website:The goal of TheraSupreme was to create a product that is a superb anti-oxidant, high in vitamins and minerals, an immune booster, and a100% natural […]
TheraSupreme 20% off for July
TheraSupreme is a great whole food supplement that is rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. It is anti-inflammatory and is especially useful for people that react to nightshades. From their website: The goal of TheraSupreme was to create a product that is a superb anti-oxidant, high in vitamins and minerals, an immune booster, and […]
TheraSupreme 20% Off for April
TheraSupreme is back in stock and 20% off for April. It is reformulated to be in capsule form. From the manufacturer: Thera Supreme is now in capsules instead of powder. Since its inception Thera supreme was available as a powder and indicated as a supreme anti-oxidant/phytonutrient and a supplement that clinically appears to help the […]