Chromium and Vanadium 20% Off. Stop The Sweet Tooth!

I find that most of us will indulge in extra pastries and sweets over the holidays. Most of the time we are able to stop come January. Sometimes, we are still craving sweets. If you continue to crave sweets during the post-holiday season, it could mean that you are dealing with either a chromium or […]

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Iodine 20% off for December

Iodine is an essential nutrient for the thyroid. It is a precursor to our thyroid hormones and helps with our metabolism. Having a low body temperature, cold hands and feet, sluggish metabolism, depression, crying for no reason, elevated blood fats, and hair loss are all indications of a need for iodine. Iodine is needed for […]

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Alaria Supreme 40% Off For September

For the month of September, Alaria Supreme will be 40% off. Adapted from the manufacturer: Alaria Supreme™ is a certified organic, wildcrafted seaweed that tests free of both mercury and cadmium. Alaria has a significant amount of trace minerals. Two capsules will give you your RDA of organic iodine as well as smaller but significant […]

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Merry Christmas: Sugar and Mid-Back Pain

Many of you have heard me talk about mid back pain and sugar consumption. During holidays, many of us (myself included) eat more sugar than normal. This stresses our pancreas. Applied Kinesiology discovered decades ago that the Latisimus Dorsi muscle is related to the pancreas. When our pancreas is stressed these muscles will go weak […]

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Supplements To Support Weight Loss 20% Off For January

I did a heroic job of enjoying whatever I wanted this holiday season. Cookies, pie, pasta. It was awesome. I actually managed to gain a little over 6 pounds in 5 days. In honor of my gluttony, four key supplements that assist in weight loss will be 20% off for January. The first is Chromium […]

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Study Shows That Heart Disease Is Linked To Vitamin C Deficiency

This weeks Topic of the week. In 1990, Dr. Rath and the late two-time Nobel Laureate Dr. Linus Pauling published1 the revolutionary concept that a chronic insufficiency of vitamin C damages blood vessel walls. This damage triggers a biological “repair” process in which cholesterol-carrying lipoproteins deposit in the artery walls like a biological form of mortar. […]

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New Product – Glypho-X Supreme 20% off for August

Glypho-X Supreme is a combination herbal supplement that helps with inflammation, detoxification (especially from herbicides and pesticides), liver support, and food/grain sensitivity (especially to wheat).  For the month of August, it is 20% off. From the Manufacturer: Glyphosate (Round Up) is a chemical that has been used as an herbicide since the 1970’s. Between the […]

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Pepti-Guard 20% off for April

For April, I am featuring Pepti-Guard by Thorne Research. This was an important supplement that helped me lose 40lbs a couple of years ago. Pepti-Guard kills off harmful bacteria of the upper GI while soothing and healing it at the same time. I’ve found that it can help reduce stomach inflammation, and calm the stomach reducing […]

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B-6 (Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate aka P-5-P) 20% off for September

Vitamin B-6 is one of my most used vitamins in my practice. Pyridoxal 5′-Phosphate is the bioactive form of B-6 and is what I recommend. B-6 is a water soluble B vitamin. It is necessary for myelin (nerve cells), hemoglobin and neurotransmitter production. It helps with multiple inflammatory pathways, allergies, depression, and anxiety. It also […]

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2016: The Dirty Dozen: 12+ Fruits and Vegetables to Buy Organic

This weeks Topic of the Week. The Environmental Working Group just released their 2016 Shoppers Guide to Pesticides in Produce. They state that we should avoid pesticides because they are designed to be toxic. They are created to kill organisms that we consider undesirable. Unfortunately these same chemicals can lead to many health problems in […]

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Wild Greens Supreme 20% Off for June

Wild Greens Supreme I love this stuff. I use it daily. Wild Greens Supreme is a NO GRAIN powdered green supplement. It is has no cereal grasses, wheat, barley, algae, spirulina or alfalfa. What it does have is nettles, chickweed, Siberian lettuce, dandelion leaf, and couchgrass. Wild Greens Supreme contains loads of easily digestible alkalizing minerals. […]

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TheraSupreme 20% Off for April

TheraSupreme is back in stock and 20% off for April. It is reformulated to be in capsule form. From the manufacturer: Thera Supreme is now in capsules instead of powder. Since its inception Thera supreme was available as a powder and indicated as a supreme anti-oxidant/phytonutrient and a supplement that clinically appears to help the […]

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Smart, Safe Weight Loss Without Depriving Yourself

This weeks Topic of the Week was originally published in the Woman’s Journal Magazine. By Dr. Michael Polsinelli I’m 40 pounds lighter this year and have kept it off for several months. I’d like to share some things that I learned, and some things that helped me lose the weight. Some thoughts on weight loss […]

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Probiotics on Sale for August

Probiotics are beneficial bacteria, and yeast that support our digestive system. Traditionally, probiotics were consumed with fermented foods such as yogurt, kefir, kimchi, sauerkraut, and pickles (fermented-not the stuff with vinegar and in a sealed jar). Because most of us don’t eat enough of these foods, it can be beneficial to supplement with probiotic supplements. […]

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Erie Bone Broth

Bone Broth Erie Bone Broth LLC produces high quality chicken and beef bone broth made from organic ingredients. Each frozen package is 24 ounces by volume. It is made without any salt added (so make sure to add your own!).         All of our Bones and Vegetables are roasted to maximize their flavors. […]

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The Health Benefits of Gelatin and Collagen

What is Collagen and Gelatin? Good quality collagen (aka gelatin) supplement can be a great addition to anyone’s diet. Collagen is the main component of all connective tissue. Connective tissue ties and binds different parts of our body. Collagen is found in skin, muscles, ligaments, tendons, and blood vessels. Collagen is a main component of the dentin layer of […]

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Safety of Pacific Fish

Fukushima 4 Years Later A Look Back Four years ago, the world saw the worst nuclear disaster in Fukushima since the Chernobyl disaster in 1988.  Following an earthquake, a tsunami hit the plant causing a meltdown of three of the plants reactors. Radioactive material was released into both the air and into the Pacific ocean. […]

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Bone Broth: An Old Time Superfood

This weeks Topic of the Week. The Benefits of Bone Broth In the book Nourishing Broth, by Sally Fallon Morell and Kaayla Daniels, the authors cover many benefits of high quality (gelatinous) bone broth. Properly prepared broths can be a key component of a healthy diet. Broth’s components can help with arthritis, both osteoarthritis and rheumatoid. […]

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