Pyridoxal 5′-Phosphate is the bioactive form of B-6. I is necessary for myelin (nerve cells), case hemoglobin and neurotransmitter production. It helps with multiple inflammatory pathways, cialis allergies, pilule depression, and anxiety. It also helps with fluid retention, low back pain, pms, carpal tunnel, and food allergies. I probably use this vitamin the most in […]
Posts in the Food category:
Top Two Anti-Candida Supplements 20% off for February
Products of the Month: Formula SF722 and Morinda Supreme. The most effective anti-yeast, anti-fungal products are on sale this month. Morinda Supreme comes in capsules and powder. It is powdered Noni fruit that comes from a tropical Evergreen plant. It has antifungal, anti-tumor, and anti-bacterial properties. It is used to stimulate the immune system, stop […]
Holiday Food Drive December 2 – 7
By appointment only! We are having a food drive December 2-7th. This is a great time to get a friend or family member started with care here. You will also get to help others and come in for an adjustment/office visit. New Patients: Dec 2 – 6 All new patients will receive a new patient […]
Don’t Wash Chicken and Turkey
I recently became aware of a campaign to keep people from rinsing/washing/soaking their poultry. They state that the best way to kill the bacteria is by cooking it properly. Washing the poultry only spreads the bacteria onto your hands and around your kitchen. I had been recommending rinsing and soaking poultry in salt water as […]
Rosemary Supreme 20% Off for the month of September
Rosemary Supreme was developed by Drs. Michael Lebowitz and Walter Schmitt. Michael Lebowitz states that it took a while for Supreme Nutrition Products to find a source of rosemary that tested (via AK) and performed well in trials. Rosemary Supreme is a potent antioxidant. Rosemary has several anti-oxidant compounds in it. Anti-oxidants protect against free […]
How Healthy Is Your Olive Oil?
We think that olive oil as being healthy for you. Unfortunately the olive oil industry is corrupt and poor quality oil is being sold as extra virgin. With the announcement that Thorne had trouble sourcing quality olive oil, I decided to post these articles on olive oil. I had printed it for the one for […]
Formula SF722 back in stock
Thorne’s Formula SF722 is one of the primary anti-yeast remedies that I use. It is back in stock after seven months. Evidently they had problems getting good olive oil. Here is their announcement: We are very happy to announce that Formula SF722 is back in stock! Formula SF722 has been a best-selling Thorne Research […]
Article on Roy Blunt, the Senator behind the passage of the recent biotech rider
Sen. Roy Blunt (R-Mo.) inserted a rider into the Agriculture Appropriations Bill that would allow planting of genetically modified food even if a federal judge ruled to block it. From the article: Which senator pushed the rider into the bill? At the time, no one stepped forward to claim credit. But since then, Sen. Roy Blunt […]
Product of the Month: Co-Enzyme Q-10 and Ubiquinol
CoQ10 is an essential nutrient and antioxidant needed for the electron transport chain. The electron transport chain and Kreb’s cycle is our bodies biochemical process to make energy (in the form of the molecule ATP). CoQ10 increases energy production (gives us more energy) and allows our cells to function better. It is needed for proper […]
Diet Soda Increases Stroke and Cardiovascular Disease.
This weeks topic of the week. A 2011 Study found that people who drank a diet soda daily had a 48% increase in strokes and a 61% increase of any “cardiovascular event”. These include strokes, heart attacks and blood clots. The Northern Manhattan Study was first presented at the American Stroke Association International Stroke Conference […]
Probiotics Improve Bone Density
A study on animals shows that supplementation of probiotics improves bone density: “We know that inflammation in the gut can cause bone loss, though it’s unclear exactly why,” study researcher Laura McCabe, a professor at Michigan State University, said in a statement. “The neat thing we found is that a probiotic can enhance bone density.” […]
Diet soda linked to higher incidence of Diabetes
Jordan send me this article recently. It seems that people that drink diet soda have a higher chance of developing diabetes than people that drink regular soda: Both diet and sugar-sweetened beverage consumption was linked with a higher risk of developing diabetes, researchers found. But interestingly enough, when comparing diabetes risk between the diet soda […]
The Dirty Dozen: Produce To Buy Organic
This weeks Topic of the Week. Last week’s topic of the week was on fifteen fruits and vegetable that don’t need to be organic. This week’s topic is on the most pesticide laden produce that ideally should be bought organic. I didn’t publish this list last year because I didn’t want people to not eat […]
Sea Salts on Sale
All unrefined sea salt from Selina Naturally. I carry Light Gray Celtic Sea Salt and Flower of the Ocean finishing salt. I have Hawaiian Sea Salt on order which has even more mineral content. The Celtic Sea Salt has 4x the mineral content to other leading salts. Refined salt (be it regular table salt or […]
Product of the Month: Morinda Supreme 20% off
While I use this for candida, it has many other great properties. Morinda Supreme by Supreme Nutrition is powdered Noni berry. While there are many products that sell the Noni Juice, the dried berry seems to work best. In addition to being anti-inflammatory, the Noni berry has tremendous anti-fungal, anti-yeast, and anti-bacterial properties. It will also work […]
All Essential Fatty Acids: 20% Off
Fish Oil, DHA, Flax seed oil, Borage oil, Krill, Black Current, Evening Primrose, Cod liver, 3-6-9 combinations from Thorne and NOW are all 20% off for the month of April. According to University of Maryland Medical Center, omega-3 fatty acids may also be used for high cholesterol, high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, […]
In its war against raw milk, CDC manipulates data
This week’s topic of the week. Recently a new report from the Center for Disease Control (CDC) came out telling us how dangerous raw milk is. After going to the Weston A. Price website, I find that they really manipulated the data. Among the things that the CDC did: Stop data collection in 2006. In […]
Sauerkraut for the New Year.
A tradition that I’ve had is to eat sauerkraut on New Year’s day. I have no clue how it became a tradition for my Italian family, but I’ve been doing it my entire life. Here is the recipe that I used this year (I added caraway seeds). To read more on sauerkraut and lactofermentation check out […]