The general election will be held on Tuesday, November 8 this year. Early voting has already begun. You can vote at your county’s board of election. I’ve written previously about the impact the new abortion law has on women’s health. Currently, there is an injunction against this law until a lawsuit brought by women’s health […]
Posts in the Politics category:
The Impact Of Ending Abortion as a Federal Right On Women’s Health In Ohio On June 24 of this year, the Supreme Court overturned Roe Vs. Wade ending abortion as a federal right in the United States. Immediately, a law banning abortion after six weeks went into effect in Ohio. However, one out of every […]
I will be an election observer on Tuesday and will be out of the office
In 2004, Jordan and I were observers during the Cuyahoga County presidential recount where we observed fraud. The recount was supposed to be from a randomized selection of 3% of the precincts. What happened is that the precincts were chosen ahead of time and the ballots were actually pre-sorted. Two workers were convicted of rigging […]
Call to Action: Senate Revives Monsanto’s Dream Bill
I got this from the Weston A. Price Organization: BREAKING: Senate moves to preempt GMO labeling Yesterday, Senator Roberts (R-KS) and Senator Stabenow (D-MI) announced a deal to bring Monsanto’s dream bill to the Senate floor. Your Senators will vote as soon as next week. The final bill is terrible. This so-called “compromise” simply hands Monsanto […]
Do you have a loved one who smokes? E-Cigarettes 95% healthier than smoking.
This is an early version of my next Women’s Journal article: The Royal College of Physicians recently released a report that the use of e-cigarettes/nicotine vaporizers over regular tobacco products can reduce the long term health effects of smokers by 95%. This is 95% less cancer, heart attacks, strokes and lung disease than from smoking. […]
Ebola is highly contagious … plus seven other myths about the virus
The Ebola outbreak is serious, but the nature of the epidemic is often misunderstood – and inappropriate measures suggested The Ebola outbreak has been claiming lives in Africa for many months now, but following the first Ebola death from a case diagnosed outside the continent, coverage – and concern – in the west has stepped up […]
Article on Roy Blunt, the Senator behind the passage of the recent biotech rider
Sen. Roy Blunt (R-Mo.) inserted a rider into the Agriculture Appropriations Bill that would allow planting of genetically modified food even if a federal judge ruled to block it. From the article: Which senator pushed the rider into the bill? At the time, no one stepped forward to claim credit. But since then, Sen. Roy Blunt […]
Voting Resources (Judges and other issues)
Here are some resources to help you with your voting decisions. Before the election, I download a copy of my ballot and research the issues and candidates. For Cuyahoga residents you can download a copy of your ballot by first checking your registration here. Judges take some time and I never think it is a […]
An invitation to join Kiva
An anonymous donor is giving free trials to Kiva. Select a small business across the world to loan to and see how Kiva works. I’ve been doing this for several years now and just posted my 163rd loan. view “tn”:”H”}”> try “tn”:”E”}”> Kiva – You’re invited to Join Kiva Make a loan to an […]
In its war against raw milk, CDC manipulates data
This week’s topic of the week. Recently a new report from the Center for Disease Control (CDC) came out telling us how dangerous raw milk is. After going to the Weston A. Price website, I find that they really manipulated the data. Among the things that the CDC did: Stop data collection in 2006. In […]
SOPA and PIPA Blackout
I decided to take part in the SOPA and PIPA blackout today. I am against these bills because it will limit access to information on the internet. Unfortunately, our Democratic Senator Sherrod Brown is a co-sponser of the bill. Please learn more about the dangers of this bill and contact Sherrod Brown at 202-224-2315, and Senator Rob […]
FDA in the process of banning injectable Vitamin C
Take action here. It seem that the newly empowered FDA is banning the production of pure injectable Vitamin C. Written in the new “food safety” law is clause for the FDA to regulate safe doses for vitamins and minerals. This is the first attack on natural health care, and I expect more to come.
Farmageddon, the Movie
With the passage of the Food Safety Bill, small farms will have a harder time. The FDA has worked hard to limit the sale of raw milk (which is legal in some states) and your right to choose to buy directly from farms and farmers. Farmageddon is about about this fight. Read more the Movie” […]
Food “Safety” Bill Passes Senate by Agreeing to Set Aside Regular Procedures
unanimous consent – A Senator may request unanimous consent on the floor to set aside a specified rule of procedure so as to expedite proceedings. From the Washing Post: A bill that would overhaul the nation’s food-safety laws for the first time since the Great Depression came roaring back to life Sunday as Senate Democrats […]
Food “Safety” Bill is Alive Again
This is from the Farm to Consumer Legal Defense Fund, it seems that the anti-small farm, food “safety” bill is alive again: SENATORS, Vote “NO” on Cloture for H.R. 3082 & Oppose the FDA Food Safety Modernization Act By a 212-206 vote on December 8, the House passed the FDA Food Safety Modernization Act (formerly S.510) […]
The new food safety bill
It seems when the democrats and republicans can finally come together in bipartisanship, it is to the detriment of the American people. The passage of the new food safety bill, S. 510, will hurt small family farms and not make our food safer. Natural News has been doing a great job covering this issue. This article […]
Election Fraud
With early voting underway, there have been new reports in Nevada and North Carolina of votes being flipped on electronic voting machines. While most of the previous complaints seems to have benefited Republicans, these new reports show Democrats benefiting. (maybe this is why the Democratic leadership has been so supportive of electronic voting?) No matter […]
Medical doctors who don’t push vaccinations
I periodically get requests for medical doctors that don’t push for vaccinations. Recently, a patient of mine (who is a new mom) was bullied and lied to by her pediatrician until she consented to having her newborn inoculated. After this incident she did some research and found this website, where she found a new doctor and is […]