I did a heroic job of enjoying whatever I wanted this holiday season. Cookies, pie, pasta. It was awesome. I actually managed to gain a little over 6 pounds in 5 days. In honor of my gluttony, four key supplements that assist in weight loss will be 20% off for January. The first is Chromium […]
Posts in the Life Hacks category:
But What About the Children? Teen Vaping and E-cigarettes
Recently the Royal College of Physicians issued a report “Nicotine without smoke: Tobacco harm reduction”. In it they state that long-term harm from e-cigarettes and vaping is 95-98% less than smoking. The report concludes that “in the interests of public health it is important to promote the use of e-cigarettes, NRT(Nicotine Reduction Therapy) and other […]
Why avoiding sunshine could kill you
Researchers followed 30,000 women for 20 years and found that those who avoided the sunshine were twice as likely to die. Women who never sunbathe during the summer are twice as likely to die than those who sunbathe everyday, a major study has shown. Researchers at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden claim guidelines which advise people […]
Twilight For Android: To Help You Get To Sleep
Twilight for Android is an app that works like the previously mentioned f.lux. Looking at computers, tablets, and smartphones at night makes your brain think it’s still daylight. This can play a big role with insomnia. These screens produce a lot of light in the blue spectrum of light. The blue spectrum depresses melatonin. Melatonin […]
F.lux: A tool for Computer Related Insomnia
This weeks Topic of the Week. One of the stressors that will cause us to go out of alignment is lack of sleep. One thing that will keep people up at night is working on the computer. I’ve talked about this problem before with TV, Computers, and Sleep. Computers and TVs produce lots of blue light. Blue […]
“Having At Least Three Elegant Solutions To Every Problem.”
This week’s topic of the week. “There should be three solutions to every problem.” One of my teachers in massage school would say this. Katrin is a practitioner of the work developed by Moshe Feldenkrais. I always attributed the quote to him, and it has always sparked my imagination. Katrin said it in the context of […]
Product of the Month: Paraben Free Moisturizing Lotion
This month, I am offering Aubrey’s Uncented Ultimate Moisturizing Lotion that is paraben free for 15% off. Paraben compounds are estrogen mimickers and are linked to an increase in breast and prostate cancer. Many people with chronic low back pain and weakness are actually suffering from paraben toxicity. Getting off of paraben products is essential […]
Breaking up ice
While last week’s topic of the week was about snow shoveling, I didn’t go over breaking up ice. Several patients came in this week out of alignment from trying to remove ice from their driveway, steps, and sidewalks. One tip is to pick up a ice chopper/scraper specially designed for this work. They have a […]
Snow Shoveling: Protecting Yourself
This week’s topic of the week. I just realized I never posted it. The weight of the snow on the shovel blade can cause significant stress on the neck and back. It is common for people to “push through” any pain to get the task done. Also, snow shoveling is vigorous exercise and can cause […]
United Breast Cancer Foundation Backs Thermography for Early Detection
This weeks Topic of The Week. Starting October 18th, we will be having Jeanne Wilson, a Certified Clinical Thermographer, offering sessions on a monthly basis. I’ll have more information on a following post and you can also call our office for more information and to get scheduled. Breast thermography is a diagnostic imaging procedure to aid in […]
Vitamin D Lab test
I’ve written about vitamin D, and how 75% of us are deficient in it. While I use muscle testing to find out if a person needs vitamin D, a blood test is necessary to find out how much a person is deficient. Unfortunately, if you don’t have the “right” insurance, this blood test can be […]
Topic Of The Week: Sugar and Mid Back Pain
This week, I’ve had many patients come in complaining about mid back pain. Many of you have heard me talk about mid back pain and sugar consumption. With the holidays upon us, many of us (myself included) will eat more sugar than normal. This stresses our pancreas. Applied Kinesiology discovered decades ago that the Latisimus […]
Feeding the World II (Biochar)
It’s spring time and Jordan and I have been working on our garden. We’ve been collecting manure (alpaca–free on craigslist) and shredding leaves in order to get the beds ready. Jordan actually planted some lettuce and peas today (we’ll see if they come up). If you want to get a garden in this year, check […]
Lessen your toxic exposure with NO VOC paint.
Jordan and I have been painting a lot lately and we’ve been using two different brands of no VOC (volatile organic chemicals) paint. Harmony from Sherwin Williams, and Olympic premium paint that can be found at Lowes home centers. Personally, I will be using the Olympic in the future, because of the cost (only $18-25/gallon), […]
Design for the other 90%
The New York Times has a great piece on an exhibit of design solutions for people that live on less than $2 per day. My favorites are a non-electric refrigeration system, a bicycle add on to turn it into a bicycle truck, and a ceramic water filtration system. It made me think of not only what […]