Tulsi Supreme (for Stress, Fatigue, and Pain) 40% off for June.

Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum) is also known as Holy Basil. It has been used for thousands of years in India for stress, fatigue and pain. It also is used for normalizing cholesterol, blood sugar issues, high uric acid (kidney stones), mood stabilizer and inflammation. It is also used as an anti-microbial. From the manufacturer: Tulsi Supreme™ […]

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Numbers Dropping, Variants, Warning for Unvaccinated, Lifting of Health Order, We Will Still Require Masks, Future Changes in Our Protocols. Dr. Michael’s Covid-19 Health Update for May 15, 2021.

Update 6-4-21: The 7-day rolling average is now 36.4 cases per day in Cuyahoga County. For the last three weeks, cases have dropped about 25% per week. Update 5-28-21: Currently Cuyahoga’s 7-day rolling average is just under 51 cases per day. This is down from 66 cases a week ago and around 90 cases two […]

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Why Jordan and I Left Town – An Upheaval in Vita’s Life

Update 6-25-21: While Will is still at Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital, he is making progress. He is mastering his new joystick wheelchair using his shoulder and right biceps muscle, he is also able to use voice commands with his phone to text and make calls. The next two years will be critical in how far he will […]

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Thera Supreme 30% off for May

TheraSupreme is a great whole food supplement that is rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. It is anti-inflammatory and is especially useful for people that react to nightshades. From their website:The goal of TheraSupreme was to create a product that is a superb anti-oxidant, high in vitamins and minerals, an immune booster, and a100% natural […]

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Entering the Fourth Covid Wave The B.1.1.7 Strain Is Now Dominant, Affecting Children and a Diminished Vaccine Efficacy. Dr. Michael’s Covid-19 update for April 10, 2021.

We are entering the Fourth Covid Wave in the US. While experts hope that this wave won’t be as deadly, there are some real dangers because of the now dominant B.1.1.7 strain. The B.1.1.7 strain was originally discovered in the U.K. and unfortunately, it is more contagious and more deadly than the original strain., While […]

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Pepti-Guard 20% off for April.

Pepti-Guard by Thorne is an herbal/mineral formula for a healthy stomach. Many people have stomach irritations, but aren’t aware of it. It can lead to difficulty breathing, anxiety, and a need to continually snack and weight gain. Pepti-Guard kills pathogenic organisms that irritate the stomach and upper GI lining while soothing and healing it. Many […]

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Traveling? We Have N-95 Masks For Sale For $3

At the beginning of the pandemic, N95 masks were in short supply and we were told not to wear masks in order to save them for the front-line workers. Today, there are plenty of N-95 masks available. These are the gold standard for filtering air and protecting people. I’ve been recommending people improve their masks […]

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The Decrease in Cases Has Stalled, Deaths Still High, Second Dose Reactions, Johnson and Johnson Safety and Efficacy. Covid-19 Update for 3-6-2021

Infections Rates Have Stopped Declining New cases are no longer decreasing and have stalled at the current rate. This rate is about the same as what we saw during the second “surge” last June. Unfortunately, deaths are still significantly higher than last summer. This could be caused by more contagious variants spreading along with a […]

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Anti-Candida Formula SF722 and Morinda Supreme 20% Off for March

Put on a few pounds after the holiday? Killing the Candida yeast in our system can help us shed a few pounds quickly. Sugar and sweets feed yeast and candida so you will want to avoid them for the best results. I recommend these products to anyone who has had antibiotics. These are the best […]

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Good News and Bad News – Covid 19 update for Feb 20, 2021

New Covid-19 cases are over three times less than what they were in January. Based on the 7-day rolling averages, deaths are over 1/3rd less and dropping (the death rate is 4-6 weeks behind the new case rate). While there is less testing most recently because of winter weather, I believe that cases are coming […]

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Immunization Safety Update for January 29

By Dr. Michael Polsinelli, DC As of Thursday (Jan 28), more than 22 million Americans have been vaccinated against the Covid-19 virus. Of those, 2 million people reported side effects to the CDC’s V-safe After Vaccination Health Checker App. Within these 2 million reports, more than 70% had pain (at the site of injection), 33% […]

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5-MTHF Products 20% Off for February

15-30% of the population have a genetic defect that keeps them from fully converting folate to its final usable form. We have trouble producing the methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase enzyme needed for the final conversion. Folate is needed for the production of several neurotransmitters, is needed to assist several detoxification pathways, and is also critical in reducing […]

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Covid mutations, It’s time to up our mask game, Zinc, and an Immunization Update. Dr. Michael’s Covid-19 update for 1-23-21

By Dr. Michael Polsinelli, DC Covid-19 is mutating.  England, South Africa, Brazil, and even Columbus, Ohio are reporting mutations in the coronavirus. Unfortunately, these mutations are between 30-70% more infectious than the original strain. This means that as we are coming off of the peak from the holidays, these strains are becoming the predominant strains […]

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Chromium and Vanadium 20% Off. Stop The Sweet Tooth!

I find that most of us will indulge in extra pastries and sweets over the holidays. For those of us who can’t stop with the sugar and are still craving sweets, chromium and vanadium can stop the cravings. For the month of January, chromium and vanadium are all 20% off.

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Covid-19 Vaccine Safety Resources.

by Dr. Michael Polsinelli Updated 1-23-21 Updated 1-30-21 As someone who has devoted a significant part of my life to health and natural healing, I’ve never considered getting a flu shot. I’ve not had any vaccinations or antibiotics since I was a teenager. At the same time, I have tried to avoid imposing my personal […]

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December Product of the Month: Mucuna Supreme 40% Off!

Mucuna Supreme is made from the seeds of the velvet-bean, Mucuna pruriens. Mucuna’s use as a medicinal plant dates back thousands of years. It been used to treat a wide variety of conditions including high blood pressure, low sperm count, low libido, male infertility, diabetes, and neurodegenerative conditions like Parkinson’s disease, and has been shown […]

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Iodine and Seaweed products 20% off for November

Many of us in Northern Ohio are low in iodine. Iodine is essential for our metabolism to work correctly and helps us lose weight. It also helps with cold hands and feet, a body temperature below 98.6 F, and hair loss. It also helps with those of us dreading winter. People with iodine deficiency may […]

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Vitamin D To Prevent Severe Covid-19 Infections.

At the beginning of March, I said that the most important supplement to take in order to resist a Covid-19 infection or reduce the severity of one is Vitamin D. Vitamin D is normally made from getting sunlight on our skin. Unfortunately, most people living this far north are deficient in Vitamin D. This is […]

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