Dr. Mercola Interviews Dr. Russell Blaylock on the Swine Flu and Vaccine Research. It is a long interview, but well worth a listen. Swine Flu — One of the Most Massive Cover-ups in American History
Search Results for: swine flu
National Vaccine Information Center on Swine Flu Vaccine
Barbara Loe Fisher latest post has up to date information on the Swine Flu Vaccine. You can click here to read the full story. Mild Swine Flu & Over-Hyped Vaccine by Barbara Loe Fisher Every day Americans wake up to news reports that warn us about the dangers of influenza, especially the new H1N1 “swine […]
Topic of the week: Swine Flu
There has been a lot of concern with the spread of the “swine flu” in the media. I want to start with some facts to diffuse the panic. First, according to the CDC, regular flu causes over 55, 000 deaths in a year in the U.S. alone. Since the outbreak of the “swine flu” pandemic, as of […]
U.S., Australia, Europe Ban Flu Shot In Children
This years flu shot is a world first. It is a combination shot of the seasonal and swine flu strains. The flu season is almost over in Australia where these new vaccines have been given to patients. One version of the flu shot called Fluvax has been linked to convulsions in one in 100 children […]
Study Prompts Canada to Delay Flu Shots
“TORONTO — An unpublished Canadian study that suggests getting an annual flu shot may make it easier to contract swine flu has caused most provincial governments in Canada to postpone or limit seasonal-flu vaccination programs.” More from the article: “It found that people who got flu shots last year were about twice as likely to […]
How to protect yourself from the flu (pig, bird or otherwise)
With pandemic of the century pretty much died down now, and people moving on from the fear that the mainstream media has provided, you may just want to tuck this away for next fall during the start of the next flu season. This is pretty off topic now that we know that hundreds of thousands of people […]
Product of the Month: Vitamin D
Fall is officially here and this is when Vitamin D deficiencies start to appear. I am recommending that everyone living this far north start on either 2,000 iu or 5,000 iu a day of Vitamin D to prevent illness. Vitamin D is more effective at preventing the flu than flu shots and it has lots […]
Vitamin D and Immunity
12/8/2022: As time goes on, we are getting more validation on the importance of Vitamin D in relation to Covid. A recent study showed that veterans taking Vitamin D supplements are less likely to get Covid, less likely to spread Covid, Less likely to have severe symptoms, and also less likely to die from it. […]