On November 25th the tv show “The Doctors” showcased upper cervical care. Dr. Kerr was also on the Montel show last year.You can see that video here. Upper Cervical Chiropractic on the Doctors
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Woman in wheelchair saves lives
A great interview with Louella Harris: By James Panter For the past seven years, upper cervical chiropractic practitioners have had a determined, dynamic lady waging an education campaign on their behalf. Louella Harris, a patient turned spokesperson, is on a mission. In 1958, she became a victim of polio at age 3, eight months […]
Feeding the world
Jordan and I recently put in a garden and I wanted to share some great information that not only helped us get started, but is challenging me on new possibilities with our relationship to food and the environment. The first is a book called Lasagna Gardening which allowed us to start beds without […]
Sweet Misery update
Sweet Misery, a documentary on the history and dangers of aspartame, commonly known as Nutrasweet, can be found on Google. I wrote about it earlier at this post. They are putting this drug in almost all mainstream gums, including bubble gum for kids. While we should avoid all chemicals in our diet, this is one […]
Design for the other 90%
The New York Times has a great piece on an exhibit of design solutions for people that live on less than $2 per day. My favorites are a non-electric refrigeration system, a bicycle add on to turn it into a bicycle truck, and a ceramic water filtration system. It made me think of not only what […]