Chemical stress is one of the five stressors than can cause us to go out of alignment. Previously, I have written about physical injuries, physical stress, emotional stress, and lack of sleep. When we are overloaded chemically, our bodies naturally will detoxify. In order for our bodies to do this work, nutrients are needed. Some of the same nutrients that are needed for detoxing chemicals are some of the same nutrients that are needed for ligament repair. This again sets up a situation whereby we are robbing Peter to pay Paul. We are taking nutrients needed for regular repair from the stressors of the day and putting them toward detoxing.
Chemical stressors can come from things like new paint, new carpeting, cleaning chemicals, off-gassing of foam from new mattresses and pads (memory foam can be especially bad), chairs and car seats (new car smell). To decrease exposure, use less toxic options, allow adequate ventilation, and let new products air when you first get them. For example, keep a new car parked in a garage with the windows down (or at least cracked) when not in use. Allow a new foam mattress pad to air out for a week or two in the spare bedroom with open windows before using on your own bed. Use a mattress covering for a new mattress, during the day pull back the sheets to allow the mattress to breath during the day. Also keep a window open when sleeping with a new mattress.
Chemical stressors can also be found in food. Some of the most common ones are mono-sodium glutamate (MSG), Nutrasweet (aka aspartame) and Splenda (aka sucralose) and hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated vegetable oils. I will look more deeply at chemical stressors in a future topic.
Chemical stressors are common in our environment. However, with a little common sense and planning, we can significantly reduce our exposures.