Vitamin D for Immunity! 20% Off For February.

I am currently recommending almost all of my patients to be on Vitamin D from now until early summer. Vitamin D is an essential nutrient to bolster the immune system. People on Vitamin D are less likely to get colds and flu. For adults, I recommend 5,000 IU per day. For children, I recommend 2-4,000 […]

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Still Craving Sweets? Chromium and Vanadium 20% off for January.

I consumed an incredible amount of cookies and sweets over the last couple of weeks. In the past, I’ve been fine not consuming sugar, but when I did, I couldn’t stop. I’d say, just one cookie, and end up eating the whole package. Once I started, I couldn’t stop. I don’t have this issue any […]

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Mucuna Supreme 40% off for October!

For the month of October, Mucuna Supreme will be 40% off. I have too much stock that needs to be moved. It’s primary uses are: Protects the Brain and Nervous system* Low Libido* Stress Control* Depression* Antioxidant* High Blood Pressure* Mucuna Supreme is made from the seeds of the velvet-bean, Mucuna pruriens. Mucuna’s use as a […]

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Allicor 20% Off For June

Do a search for garlic and cholesterol reduction in the research literature and you will find Allicor keeps coming up. Most of the successful research on garlic in the reduction of cholesterol and the prevention of heart disease is based on this product. Allicor is prepared without heat, and is enteric coated and is timed […]

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Supplements To Support Weight Loss 20% Off For January

I did a heroic job of enjoying whatever I wanted this holiday season. Cookies, pie, pasta. It was awesome. I actually managed to gain a little over 6 pounds in 5 days. In honor of my gluttony, four key supplements that assist in weight loss will be 20% off for January. The first is Chromium […]

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Most of us are low in iodine in Northeast Ohio. For December, all iodine and seaweed supplements are 20% off. Iodine helps support our metabolism (and weight loss), it helps with cold hands and feet, low body temperature (under 98.6), hair loss (especially women, didn’t work too well for me).  Other symptoms of an iodine deficiency are tenderness on the ribs right next to the sternum, and being emotional (tear up after seeing a commercial that tugs at the heart), and dreading winter. David Brownstein, MD, states in his book (Iodine: Why You Need It, Why You Can’t Live Without It) that iodine deficiency plays a large role in the production of breast and other cancers.

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Study Shows That Heart Disease Is Linked To Vitamin C Deficiency

This weeks Topic of the week. In 1990, Dr. Rath and the late two-time Nobel Laureate Dr. Linus Pauling published1 the revolutionary concept that a chronic insufficiency of vitamin C damages blood vessel walls. This damage triggers a biological “repair” process in which cholesterol-carrying lipoproteins deposit in the artery walls like a biological form of mortar. […]

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Thorne’s Vitamin C is 25% Off for November

The product of the month for November is Vitamin C by Thorne. It is on sale for 25% off. Thorne’s Vitamin C has no stearates (fats) that block the absorption of this water-soluble vitamin/antioxidant. Vitamin C can help lower blood pressure, reduce uric acid levels and prevent gout, boost immunity by helping white blood cells function […]

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Vitamin D And Vitamin D/K2 20% Off Vitamin D Drops 50% Off For October!

Patients are showing a need for Vitamin D again. For the month of October, I’m having a sale on all Vitamin D and Vitamin D/K2 from Thorne! Also, a special sale on Vitamin D drops at 50% off! 75% of us in North America are low in Vitamin D with over 95% of African Americans […]

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Albizia Supreme 20% Off For August

Albizia Supreme is a recent addition to the Supreme Nutritionals product line. It helps with anxiety and depression, insomnia, and boosts the immune system. It can also help with memory and irritability. In Chinese, its name translates to “Happiness Bark”. From the manufacturer: Habitat and intro: Albizia (Albizia julibrissin) is a beautiful tree native to […]

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Mucuna Supreme 30% Off For May

For the month of May, Mucuna Supreme will be 30% off. From the manufacturer: Primary Usage: Mucuna Supreme is made from the seeds of the velvet bean, Mucuna pruriens. Mucuna’s use as a medicinal plant dates back thousands of years. It has been used to treat a wide variety of conditions, including high blood pressure, […]

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Two Anti-Fungal Anti-Yeast (Candida) Supplements 20% Off For Februrary.

Put on a few pounds after the holiday? Killing the yeast in our system can help us shed a few pounds quickly. Sugar and sweets feed yeast and candida so you will want to avoid them for best results. I recommend these products to anyone who has had antibiotics. These are the best anti-yeast/anti-candida/anti-fungal products […]

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Iodine 20% Off For January

Happy New Year! For January, all Iodine and a seaweed product from Supreme are 20% off. Iodine is an essential nutrient that regulates our metabolism. It is common for people around here to be low in Iodine. Symptoms include cold hands and feet, low body temperature, difficulty losing weight, tenderness in the chest area, loss […]

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Vitamin D 20% Off for December

If you haven’t yet, it’s time to start taking Vitamin D. 75% of us in North America are low in Vitamin D with over 95% of African Americans low it it. For adults, I’m recommending 5,000 IU per day. For pre-teen children 2,000 IU per day. I recommend increasing the dose if people around you start […]

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Tulsi Supreme 20% off for November

Feeling stressed? Having some fatigue? Tulsi Supreme may be of benefit. It’s been used for thousands of years in India for stress, fatigue and pain. It also is used for normalizing cholesterol, blood sugar issues, high uric acid (kidney stones), mood stabilizer and inflammation. It is also used as an anti-microbial. From the manufacturer: Tulsi […]

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New Product: Lectin Protect 20% off for September

Supreme Nutrition has a few new products coming out. Last month, we focused on Glypho-X Supreme to help detox from pesticides.  They also released a capsule form of Takesumi Supreme (also for detoxification). In August, they released Lectin Protect. It’s used for Lectin Detoxification, as an antioxidant, it helps with gut permeability, and is also […]

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New Product – Glypho-X Supreme 20% off for August

Glypho-X Supreme is a combination herbal supplement that helps with inflammation, detoxification (especially from herbicides and pesticides), liver support, and food/grain sensitivity (especially to wheat).  For the month of August, it is 20% off. From the Manufacturer: Glyphosate (Round Up) is a chemical that has been used as an herbicide since the 1970’s. Between the […]

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TheraSupreme is a great whole food supplement that is rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. It is anti-inflammatory and is especially useful for people that react to nightshades.


From their website:

The goal of TheraSupreme was to create a product that is a superb anti-oxidant, high in vitamins and minerals, an immune booster, and a100% natural food product that could be added to a drink as an all round health booster. This product has been a long time in the making, taking over a year to research and develop.

There are many products already on the market that have mixes of fruits, vegetables, enzymes, etc. Most of these products appear to put everything that has ever gotten good press into one mix. Unfortunately, in clinical practice these seem to rarely work well with patients, often causing as many health issues as they “claim” to help. With this in mind, we weren’t sure we would be able to make a product to meet our criteria. We started by buying small amounts of most of the individual ingredients found in other products and doing blind evaluation on 50 patients, checking each sample individually for efficacy. We wanted to include only those ingredients that helped close to 100% of patients.

Using these criteria in our testing, we found whole categories of items that did not work with the vast majority of patients. These categories included the algaes (spirulina, chlorella, etc.), grass juices (wheatgrass, barleygrass, etc.), fungal derived enzymes, and pro-biotics. All of these have their place but again we wanted something that would benefit close to 100% of patients. Unfortunately, most of the above mentioned ingredients appear in most fruit/vegetable blends on the market. We also found the majority of patients did not benefit on alfalfa which is often found in these types products.

After much experimentation we settled on 7 ingredients (from an initial batch of 60) and then blended them in varying ratios to obtain optimum results. This is an interesting product because, as with each other Supreme Nutrition Products, every new batch must pass the same testing to be released on the market (this has not always been easy, especially with Morinda Supreme, as many samples had to be rejected). With 7 ingredients in TheraSupreme – we may find it necessary at times to make slight variations in the ingredient list due to possible unavailability of raw materials that pass our testing.

The first batch was given to 10 people who took it over a period of time so we could test it for tolerance, taste and effect. It passed our tests but by then some of the ingredients were no longer available so we had to wait for new harvests and evaluate. It is a fun but at times frustrating and lengthy process. We finally have a complete product that passed all our tests that is now available to you.

TheraSupreme has the following 7 ingredients: bilberry, blueberry, elderberry, pomegranate, asparagus, black radish, and cilantro (coriander). All have been tested to be free of pesticide residue (We actually like this better than most organic classifications as some organic food is grown on land with a long history of pesticide use and has had only a few years without pesticides). It comes in a 270 gm container with a 9 gm scoop, giving you 30 servings.

What makes this product unique is a few things:

1) Each ingredient and batch must pass stringent Clinical and Applied Kinesiology testing

2) No added grass juices, algaes or fungal derived enzymes as they do not work well on the majority of patients in our tests

3) An all encompassing fruit/vegetable blend containing plants with many different nutrients, colors, phytochemicals, etc.

We feel for the sensitive patient this can act like taking a multi-vitamin and for everyone it can supply many phyto-nutrients that we do not get in our daily diet. It will also help boost our nutrient levels and over all immunity, health, and wellbeing.

In addition to increasing nutrient levels it also often helps detoxify chemicals and metals, be antimicrobial, and act as a very complete product that almost everyone will benefit from. Professional athletes have reported taking Thera Supreme during the season and not gotten a cold or the flu when everyone else in the locker room succumbed to them.

Many patients who suffer from nightshade (solanine) sensitivity report having symptomatic relief while taking Thera Supreme.

About the individual ingredients:

Bilberry- high in anthocyanin pigments, high in antioxidants, helps prevent atherosclerosis, reportedly helpful for night vision, macular degeneration and some heart conditions and other vascular disorders (1, 2, 3, 4, 5).

Blueberry- recent studies suggest blueberries may be useful in reducing cancer risk, slowing the cognitive decline in Alzheimer, controlling blood pressure and prevention of urinary tract infections (6, 7, 8, 9). It can also be a good source of vitamin K as well as manganese (10).

Elderberry- another rich source of anti-oxidants and various phytonutrients – it has been shown to have anti-viral activity especially against certain strains of influenza (11, 12, 13). A good source of carotenoids and other nutrients.

Pomegranate- potent anti-oxidant with significant amounts of vitamins A, C, E, and folic acid (14, 15, 16). It also helps thin the blood and lower cholesterol (17).

Asparagus-supplies vitamins A,C,E, iodine, folic acid (18, 19, 20, 21). Traditionally it has been used to strengthen the genito-urinary system and more recently has been used to help in people with various forms of cancer (22, 23).

Black radish-one of the greatest detoxifiers and an activator of liver detoxification enzymes (24, 25).

Coriander/Cilantro -contains an antioxidant that helps prevent animal fats from turning rancid (26). It is also mildly anti-bacterial and anti-fungal and used by some to chelate mercury and other heavy metals (27, 28, 29, 30).

For the original article with references see:

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Q-Best 15% off for June

Recently Thorne dropped the price on their Q-Best 100. It is now similarly priced to their Q-Best 50 that they discontinued a couple of years ago. The current price is less than the Ubiquinol from Pure Encapsulation that I was giving people as a replacement. For the month of June, Q-Best will be $33.96 (15% […]

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