Product of the Month Reishi Supreme 20% off

Reishi Supreme is a high quality Reishi (Ganoderma lucidum) mushroom product. Reishi is a broad spectrum antimicrobial especially useful for H. pylori and Klebsiella. It is anti-viral, and is shown to be anti-parasitic as well as anti-fungal. It has anti-inflammatory, anti-histamine, anti-oxidant, and anti-tumor properties. It also has been shown to lower cholesterol and blood […]

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The Dirty Dozen: 12+ Fruits and Vegetables to Buy Organic

This weeks topic of the week. The Environmental Working Group just released their 2013 Shoppers Guide to Pesticides in Produce. They state that we should avoid pesticides because they are designed to be toxic. They are created to kill organisms that we consider undesirable. Unfortunately these same chemicals can lead to many health problems in […]

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The Clean Fifteen – Fifteen Fruits and Vegetable That Don’t Need To Be Organic:

This weeks Topic Of The Week. Sign up for my weekly email updates here. The Environmental Working Group just released their 2013 Shoppers Guide to Pesticides in Produce. In it they rate the pesticide levels in common fruits and vegetables. (You may recognize them as the group behind Skin Deep: The Cosmetics Database, which I have […]

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Supplements for Allergy Season

This weeks Topic Of The Week. Sign up for my weekly email updates here. Allergy Season is upon us and I’m testing people for natural remedies to combat their hay fever and pollen sensitivities. Here are some of the products that I use: Antronex: is a natural antihistamine that is extracted from cow liver. It […]

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How Healthy Is Your Olive Oil?

We think that olive oil as being healthy for you. Unfortunately the olive oil industry is corrupt and poor quality oil is being sold as extra virgin. With the announcement that Thorne had trouble sourcing quality olive oil, I decided to post these articles on olive oil. I had printed it for the one for […]

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Formula SF722 back in stock

Thorne’s Formula SF722 is one of the primary anti-yeast remedies that I use. It is back in stock after seven months. Evidently they had problems getting good olive oil. Here is their announcement: We are very happy to announce that Formula SF722 is back in stock!   Formula SF722 has been a best-selling Thorne Research […]

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Twilight For Android: To Help You Get To Sleep

Twilight for Android is an app that works like the previously mentioned f.lux. Looking at computers, tablets, and smartphones at night makes your brain think it’s still daylight. This can play a big role with insomnia. These screens produce a lot of light in the blue spectrum of light. The blue spectrum depresses melatonin. Melatonin […]

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Painkillers Killing More People

This weeks topic of the week. A recent article in the Los Angeles Times states that prescription drug related deaths are on the rise. The largest segment of drug related deaths were from prescription pain killers like Vicodin and OxyContin. Painkiller sales have increased 300% since 1999. There were over 38,000 prescription drug deaths in […]

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What we can Learn about Running from Barefoot Running

Here is a great video of a presentation by Daniel Lieberman, PhD. He is a professor of Evolutionary biology. It is called What we can Learn about Running from Barefoot Running: The upshot is form. Don’t transition too quickly to barefoot running/walking. Spend time adapting to a mid/fore foot strike. The Cleveland Running Company will sometimes have workshops […]

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Product of the Month: Co-Enzyme Q-10 and Ubiquinol

CoQ10 is an essential nutrient and antioxidant needed for the electron transport chain. The electron transport chain and Kreb’s cycle is our bodies biochemical process to make energy (in the form of the molecule ATP). CoQ10 increases energy production (gives us more energy) and allows our cells to function better. It is needed for proper […]

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Diet Soda Increases Stroke and Cardiovascular Disease.

This weeks topic of the week. A 2011 Study found that people who drank a diet soda daily had a 48% increase in strokes and a 61% increase of any “cardiovascular event”. These include strokes, heart attacks and blood clots. The Northern Manhattan Study was first presented at the American Stroke Association International Stroke Conference […]

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Probiotics Improve Bone Density

A study on animals shows that supplementation of probiotics improves bone density: “We know that inflammation in the gut can cause bone loss, though it’s unclear exactly why,” study researcher Laura McCabe, a professor at Michigan State University, said in a statement. “The neat thing we found is that a probiotic can enhance bone density.” […]

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Diet soda linked to higher incidence of Diabetes

Jordan send me this article recently. It seems that people that drink diet soda have a higher chance of developing diabetes than people that drink regular soda: Both diet and sugar-sweetened beverage consumption was linked with a higher risk of developing diabetes, researchers found. But interestingly enough, when comparing diabetes risk between the diet soda […]

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Ilicium Supreme 20% off in February

This month I will be showcasing Illicium Supreme. One of my new favorites of the Supreme products, Illicium Verum is the fruit of a tropical evergreen. It has been used for thousands of years in Chinese medicine. Traditionally it has been used for irritated stomachs, indigestion, nausea, reduce hernias, and increase libido. Modern research shows that […]

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Breast Cancer: Iodine Therapy May Put Cancer Into Remission

In the article, they refer to Lugol’s solution, but I’m pretty sure that they used Iodoral, a tablet form of Lugol’s:   In his book, Iodine: Why you need it, why you can’t live without it, David Brownstein M.D. reports three cases of spontaneous regression of breast cancer after iodine supplementation. The first patient, Joan […]

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Product of the Month: 5-MTHF 20% off!

5-MTHF on sale this month 20% off. One in seven people cannot convert folic acid to its final usable form. Many are significantly benefited from supplementation of the 5-MTHF form of folic acid. This product helps with detoxification, headaches, thinking, depression and emotional issues, inflammation, and learning disabilities.  This genetic defect can play a role […]

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