I’m sending this out as a topic of the week. I’ve already written about the dangers of cholesterol lowering statin drugs on memory, brain function (and pain). A new study shows that medications for insomnia, itching, allergies, and anxiety can also cause memory loss: Is your memory playing tricks on you? Check your medicine cabinet! Common medication […]
Posts in the Health category:
Kid’s under the age of 14 should stop playing tackle football.
There is a great article over on Slate about kids and tackle football. Basically, kids that haven’t reached puberty are especially susceptible to concussions. Their bodies haven’t developed enough to sustain the blows in tackle football. Here is what the author recommends: “It’s not as if there aren’t alternatives. Maybe have kids play flag football wearing […]
Product of the month: Iodine
All Iodine products 20% off! Symptoms of Iodine deficiency: Cold hands and feet, body temperature less than 98.6, tenderness on the ribs right next to the sternum, loss of hair, cry’s easily, and dreading winter. I have found as much as 60% of my patients are low in iodine. David Brownstein, MD, states in his […]
Upper Cervical Chiropractic For Babies on the Ricky Lake Show
Birth can be very traumatic. Forceps, c-sections, and just being pulled and twisted can cause babies to go out of alignment. If you know of a baby that is irritable, colicky, or not thriving, they could benefit from Upper Cervical Chiropractic. Here is a video from the Ricky Lake Show: http://therickilakeshow.com/episodes-clips/2012/10/Chiropractic-Treatment-For-Babies Upper Cervical Chiropractic For Babies
Product of the Month: Vitamin D 20% off
It’s the end of September and I’m recommending people to start back on Vitamin D. I am recommending that everyone living this far north start on either 2,000 iu or 5,000 iu a day of Vitamin D to prevent illness. Vitamin D is more effective at preventing the flu than flu shots and it has […]
Toxins Under Your Sink
Toxins under your sink: The EWG guide to cleaning products. The Environmental Working Group has just released their guide to cleaning products. They rate over 2,000 products online and can be accessed at http://www.ewg.org/guides/cleaners. This is a great way to choose healthier cleaning products.
The Dirty Dozen: Produce To Buy Organic
This weeks Topic of the Week. Last week’s topic of the week was on fifteen fruits and vegetable that don’t need to be organic. This week’s topic is on the most pesticide laden produce that ideally should be bought organic. I didn’t publish this list last year because I didn’t want people to not eat […]
Sea Salts on Sale
All unrefined sea salt from Selina Naturally. I carry Light Gray Celtic Sea Salt and Flower of the Ocean finishing salt. I have Hawaiian Sea Salt on order which has even more mineral content. The Celtic Sea Salt has 4x the mineral content to other leading salts. Refined salt (be it regular table salt or […]
Walking Barefoot
I came across this article from a few years ago that I thought was really interesting: You Walk Wrong It took 4 million years of evolution to perfect the human foot. But we’re wrecking it with every step we take. By Adam Sternbergh Published Apr 21, 2008 This shoe and the stilettos and Adidas sneakers […]
F.lux: A tool for Computer Related Insomnia
This weeks Topic of the Week. One of the stressors that will cause us to go out of alignment is lack of sleep. One thing that will keep people up at night is working on the computer. I’ve talked about this problem before with TV, Computers, and Sleep. Computers and TVs produce lots of blue light. Blue […]
Rosemary Supreme 20% Off for the month of May
Rosemary Supreme was developed by Drs. Michael Lebowitz and Walter Schmitt. Michael Lebowitz states that it took a while for Supreme Nutrition Products to find a source of rosemary that tested (via AK) and performed well in trials. Rosemary Supreme is a potent antioxidant. Rosemary has several anti-oxidant compounds in it. Anti-oxidants protect against free […]
“Having At Least Three Elegant Solutions To Every Problem.”
This week’s topic of the week. “There should be three solutions to every problem.” One of my teachers in massage school would say this. Katrin is a practitioner of the work developed by Moshe Feldenkrais. I always attributed the quote to him, and it has always sparked my imagination. Katrin said it in the context of […]
Skin Deep: The Cosmetics Database
I just realized that I didn’t have a link to the Skin Deep, the Cosmetics Database created by the Environmental Working Group on my website. I had one before it crashed last summer. I have it fixed now. The Cosmetics Database is an excellent resource to understanding the dangers of many chemicals that are found in lotions, soap, […]
Sauerkraut for the New Year.
A tradition that I’ve had is to eat sauerkraut on New Year’s day. I have no clue how it became a tradition for my Italian family, but I’ve been doing it my entire life. Here is the recipe that I used this year (I added caraway seeds). To read more on sauerkraut and lactofermentation check out […]
Product of the Month: Paraben Free Moisturizing Lotion
This month, I am offering Aubrey’s Uncented Ultimate Moisturizing Lotion that is paraben free for 15% off. Paraben compounds are estrogen mimickers and are linked to an increase in breast and prostate cancer. Many people with chronic low back pain and weakness are actually suffering from paraben toxicity. Getting off of paraben products is essential […]
High radiation detected in Hawaii on June 11 and June 23rd
I was checking news from the Radiation Network today and they were saying that there was a spike in radiation readings from their Hawaii station on June 11 and June 23rd. They believe that it is from Fukushima. The June 11th spike probably relates to the release on June 3rd. You can read it on […]
Parabens (sex hormones) in toothpaste and mouthwash.
Today a patient brought in a bottle of mouthwash that contained parabens in them. Parabens are estrogen mimickers and increase the chance of breast and other cancers. They also cause a weakness with muscles of the inner thigh and a major contributor to low back pain. A quick search shows that parabens are also used […]