Perspective on vaccine – autism ruling

The February 13th ruling rejecting a link between the MMR vaccine and autism, got a lot of attention in the media. However, a week later, a different case in vaccine court awarded $800k for the care of an autistic child. Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, a local holistic osteopath, wrote a great blog on the subject here […]

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Threats to small farms and farmers markets part II

Evidently H.R. 875 is dead. However there are other bills coming up that may be even worse. In my earlier article I alluded to the NAIS bills that seem to be going forward. HR 1332 would put a lot of small farms out of business because of table to restaurant record keeping of produce and […]

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Feeding the World II (Biochar)

It’s spring time and Jordan and I have been working on our garden. We’ve been collecting manure (alpaca–free on craigslist) and shredding leaves in order to get the beds ready. Jordan actually planted some lettuce and peas today (we’ll see if they come up).  If you want to get a garden in this year, check […]

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A threat to our farmers markets

A threat to our farmers markets There is a new piece of legislation (HR 875) that would have small family farms register with a new federal agency if it wants to sell produce or meat directly to consumers. They will have to pay a fee and will be subject to additional inspections. This bill also […]

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Cervarix causes paralysis epilepsy and blurred vision

Cervarix is GlaxoSmithKline’s answer to Merk’s Gardasil. It seems, like Gardasil, Cervarix is causing side effects, some serious: Paralysis, Epilepsy, and Blurred Vision: 1,300 Girls Have Reaction to Cervical Cancer Vaccine.          Cervarix causes paralysis epilepsy and blurred vision

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Spain Halts Gardasil Program

Spain has halted a program to have every teenage girl inoculated with Gardasil, after reports of illness.  The news report does seem linked to a particular batch of only 75,000 doses. For more on my thoughts about Gardasil Original Sources: Spain withdraws cervical cancer shot Spain Withdraws Gardasil After Illnesses   Spain Halts Gardasil Program

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Splenda worse than I thought

In my new patient class, (which is free and open to the public), I have stated that Splenda (trade name for sucralose) while still worse for you than sugar, wasn’t as bad as Nutrasweet (aspartame).  New information shows that Splenda is worse than I thought. According to a recent study on rats, those that were […]

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Sweet Misery. Documentary on Aspartame and Nutrasweet.

In the mid 1960’s, a scientist working for the GD Searle company on an ulcer medication, tasted the powder that he was working on. He found it sweet, and this is the story of it becoming the major artificial sweetener sold today. Nutrasweet is the trade name for the chemical aspartame. Here it is:   Part 2 […]

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Atlasprofilax: A potentially dangerous procedure.

Imitation as a form a flattery. Two weekends ago, I had a booth at a health and wellness expo and I had a chance to observe a practitioner of a new form of atlas work called Atlasprofilax. Initially I was curious about what he was doing, I’m always open to learning new things.  But now […]

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Lessen your toxic exposure with NO VOC paint.

Jordan and I have been painting a lot lately and we’ve been using two different brands of no VOC (volatile organic chemicals) paint. Harmony from Sherwin Williams, and Olympic premium paint that can be found at Lowes home centers. Personally, I will be using the Olympic in the future, because of the cost (only $18-25/gallon), […]

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Design for the other 90%

The New York Times has a great piece on an exhibit of design solutions for people that live on less than $2 per day. My favorites are a non-electric refrigeration system, a bicycle add on to turn it into a bicycle truck, and a ceramic water filtration system. It made me think of not only what […]

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Bacterial Contamination In Chicken

Consumer reports recently did an article called “Dirty Birds” on bacterial contamination of chicken. They tested over 500 store bought chicken and found that 83% were contaminated with the food poisoning causing bacteria Campylobacter and Salmonella. This is a 69% increase over a similar study that they did in 2003. All major brands were affected […]

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